Guns Down America Applauds New Mexico Gov. for Taking Bold Action on Gun Violence

September 13, 2023

Attorney General Torrez is Part of the Problem

WASHINGTON, DC – Guns Down America released the following statement applauding New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisholm for her bold declaration of a public health emergency in New Mexico driven by gun violence.

“Gov. Lujan Grisham is exactly right that New Mexico is facing a public health crisis driven by gun violence,” said Shannon Grady, interim executive director of Guns Down America. “The research is clear. When there are more guns, there is more gun violence. It’s deeply disappointing that Attorney General Raúl Torrez would rather be part of the problem than the solution when New Mexico is the only state in the country that is in the top five for both gun homicide and gun suicide rates. Gov. Lujan Grisham deserves credit for putting children first and offering new thinking about how we build a safer future with fewer guns.”

New Mexico is in the top five of states for both gun homicide and gun suicide rates, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.