Latest Victories
SEPTEMBER 2019 - We Drove Walmart to Limit Gun Sales
Following a mass shooting that claimed 23 lives at a Walmart in El Paso, we led the coalition pushing for America’s largest retailer to end gun sales. After a month of action that began with a protest in Parkland and spread to on-the-ground actions at Walmarts across the country, Walmart dramatically reduced their sales of firearms and ammunition.
How Walmart could do something about gun violence

Walmart to Limit Ammunition Sales and Discourage ‘Open Carry’ of Guns in Stores

How Credit Card Companies Could Help Stop Mass Shooters
We're pushing the financial industry to flag suspicious purchasing patterns of guns and ammunition.
President Biden's Report Card
One year ago, President Biden laid out his plans to address America's gun violence epidemic. How has he done?
President Biden: Meet With Manny
On December 2, devastated by the school shooting in Michigan, Parkland father Manuel Oliver flew to Washington D.C. to demand a meeting with President Biden.
The Time is Now
We can't wait any longer. The time is now for President Biden to take action on gun violence.
Dear President Biden
Survivors of gun violence have come together to tell President Biden that he must prioritize gun reform.
Guns Down at the Polls
We're working to ensure all voters can access their polling places without the threat of intimidation.
Tell Subway: Ban Open Carry
We are calling on Subway to keep its employees and customers safe from the threat of gun violence.
We Demand Senate Action
We demand the Senate take action and pass crucial gun reform legislation already passed in the House.
Walmart Must Act
Walmart is the largest employer in America and the largest retailer of guns in the world and we need them to join the fight in building safer communities with fewer guns.
Blacklist the NRA
We're calling on all major advertising agencies in the United States to refuse to do business with the NRA.
Stop Murder Insurance
Tell two of the largest insurance companies in the nation to stop underwriting the NRA's Murder Insurance.
Tell FedEx: Stop Supporting the NRA
Tell FedEx to pull out of the NRA’s Business Alliance and stop supporting an organization that puts the lives of Americans at risk.
BREAKING: Biden Administration Plans Critical New Office of Gun Violence Prevention
Statement on New Executive Orders from President Biden to Prevent Gun Violence
BREAKING: The NRA is Now Too Toxic For the “Go-To” Bank for Gunmakers and the NRA
Victory for #WalmartMustAct! Walmart will “Dramatically Step Back” From Gun Sales
Victory: FedEx Ends Partnership With the National Rifle Association
Victory! Chubb Insurance Bows to Pressure, Agrees to Drop the NRA’s Murder Insurance